Monday, January 24, 2011

Feel like crying and pulling my hair out!!

This is truly the first day that I felt like my role as the teacher was being be littled by my students.

It started out with one of my students constantly contradicting everything I said even if it was not directed towards him. I asked nicely for him to keep the comments to himself, but then it continued...One thing after another! Of course the other students think it is funny! 

Then in the afternoon we were going over the different projects that the students can choose to do for their reading projects, and yet no one wanted to listen! They were off in their own little world doing their own things. I stopped, I waited, I asked them numerous times to put their stuff away....Just not sure what else to do! 

Thirty minutes left of class...The students are suppose to be working on their career essays...the two that are not done did not use their time wisely...instead they checked facebook, chose their songs they wanted to listen to, and basically stared at their computers. I reinforced to them that this paper is due on Friday, and if they do not use their time wisely then they will not be able to finish it. 

I just wish I knew what else I could do!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Native American Clay Animation Project

This is a video that one of my students created for her Native American project. She made all of the characters and the setting out of clay. She is definitely creative!

Career Unit

This is the first time since I started my blog that I am actually writing. 

The students are currently working on a career project. Each student seems to be very excited about this project because they are able to learn more about what it is that they are wanting to do after high school. I am very impressed with the career choices the students have. We have a music producer, photographer, animal caretaker, physicist, and a video game designer. Over the past week it has been interesting talking with the students about what they have found out so far on their career choices.

Last week we had a speaker come in from the University and speak with the students about their careers, going to college, how we dress, interviews... The students had a great discussion with the speaker and really learned so much from her.

After the students research their careers they will conduct interviews with someone that is currently in this same type of career. I think it is very important for them to get some insight from someone that is in this career. This will give them the opportunity to learn so much more about their careers.

As a class we will then be putting together an informative video on each one of their careers. Each student will take part in putting the video together.

I am very excited to see how the career research continues.